Class Descriptions


Vinyasa is a dynamic style of practice linking movement with breath. Each teacher shares their own unique perspective through the sequencing, alignment, pace, and theme of class. Options are offered to allow individualized and personal exploration of the postures making this class appropriate for experiences practitioners, as well as those newer to the practice.

Slow Flow 

Slow Flow is a vinyasa practice with a pace that is slowed to give you time to intentionally interact with the postures, your breath, and your personal experience moment by moment. The postures offered will differ teacher to teacher, but the pace of the practice will consistently offer time for deep exploration.

Align & Restore

Align & Restore yoga is a blend of Hatha yoga poses with an emphasis on functional movement, core stability, and spinal alignment. It is a class that has something for everyone and perfect for all levels, including those in stages of healing or living with chronic disease.

Yin Yoga 

Yin yoga is a stilling practice designed to balance the activity of our body and minds. Postures are held for longer periods of time, allowing you to address the deeper layers in the body and the mind. Props, including blocks, bolsters, and blankets, are used as support in these poses.

Yoga Strength

This class utilizes strength-based exercises, high-intensity interval training, and yoga to help you increase endurance. Expect a powerful class with dynamic movements, longer holds, and a variety of drills to support your most powerful life.

Kaiut Yoga

This class is slow moving and intense. An integrative practice based on the Kaiut yoga method, this class prioritizes self-exploration and fortifying body and mind connection. We focus on the circulatory and nervous systems, as well as, joint support and increasing mobility to help students regain adaptability and become restful. While this style of yin practice is often described as “floor based” - students are encouraged to expect the unexpected and bring a beginner’s mind. All bodies welcome.

*formerly called Active Yin on our schedule


Foundations centers breath work (pranayama), focusing on the power of the breath’s ability to positively impact the nervous system and how we relate to our bodies and minds. Students will be taught different Pranayama techniques and experience the integration of breath cued movements, held postures, and meditation. All levels are welcome.